The Equal Parenting project’s Open Educational Resources (OER) offer a comprehensive collection of materials designed to promote and support equal parenting practices. Recognizing the importance of challenging traditional gender roles and fostering shared responsibilities in childcare and family life, this Erasmus+ funded project aims to empower individuals, families, and communities.

The OER platform provides a diverse range of resources, including practical guides, training programs, and educational content, all aimed at equipping youth workers, educators, parents and other interested with the necessary knowledge and skills to create more equitable and fulfilling family dynamics. By promoting understanding, encouraging dialogue, and offering practical tools, the Equal Parenting project strives to create a positive impact on the lives of children and families, fostering a future where parenting is truly shared and fulfilling for all.


Gap Analysis for Equal Parenting

Consolidated Report constitutes an integral part of PR1 – Manual of Good Practices in Equal Parenting. Its primary objective is to present a systematic approach to equal parenting and familiar roles, which is poised to generate substantial awareness regarding the importance of breaking deep-rooted stereotypes. By offering comprehensive support to young adults and youth workers in identifying and developing these essential skills, the report aims to make a significant impact.
Hence, the Consolidated Report serves the purpose of encompassing the collective efforts of all project partners. Drawing upon the Country Reports that document existing practices employed in different countries and in different contexts, as well as feedback from survey participants, the report distils valuable insights and facilitates comprehensive analysis. This rigorous analysis is instrumental in identifying gaps and shortcomings, ultimately paving the way for creating a Manual of Good Practices and setting the tone for the next Project Results.

PR1- Manual of good practices in Equal parenting

We have developed this booklet with the aim of creating a collection of good “Equal Parenting” practices to encourage practical methods in each partner country. With these Best Practices we will create training materials for youth workers who will distribute our educational programme in their youth centres and to all our associated partners. Due to the few and sporadic ways it can be used in youth work, the aim is to prevent this topic from being neglected. Since youth workers require cutting-edge, thorough, and modern curriculum and methodologies not only for the avoidance of inequality but also to handle domestic collaboration, this booklet of excellent parenting practices will have a significant impact on them by implementing effective practices. The booklet is simple to use and effective at the same time due to the standardization of procedures and collection and it may be used without any issues in many European nations. The youth, parents, and teachers will all benefit from the booklet of best practices in addition to youth workers.

PR2- Educational content for equal parenting (Theory)

Our vision at Equal Parenting is clear: we strive to cultivate happier, more resilient families by challenging the traditional roles of mothers and fathers and promoting equal parenting. Imagine a world where the responsibilities of parenting are shared equally, not just by necessity but by choice, enhancing the lives of all family members. In many societies, parenting is still seen through a traditional lens where roles are often divided by gender. But what if we could change that? What if both parents shared the joy and the challenges of raising children equally? Our project is committed to making this vision a reality by educating and empowering youth workers and educators. We aim to integrate equal parenting principles into formal education and curricula across various educational institutions and organizations. By dismantling outdated stereotypes and eliminating barriers within families, we pave the way for future generations to grow up in environments free from the constraints of predefined parental roles. Currently, there is a significant gap in training for youth workers and educational content for young adults on how to approach parenting equally.

Most educational frameworks lack the tools to teach young adults and prospective parents about sharing life’s responsibilities without bias towards gender. To bridge this gap, we developed a comprehensive training program designed specifically for youth workers and educators. This program is equipped with a suite of tools, exercises, and real-life experiences curated by external experts in the field. Our curriculum is designed to provide youth workers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively convey the principles of equal parenting. Through our training, participants will learn innovative strategies to teach young adults how to embrace and practice equal parenting, ensuring that the next generation of parents can lead by example and raise their children in a truly balanced and happy environment.


Youth Workers Training Program focuses on preparing youth workers through a structured training methodology. The program includes materials and guidance to ensure that participants are well-equipped to handle the topic of equal parenting. A guidebook on using online resources is als provided, and all materials are translated into the languages of the partner countries.

Youth workers often struggle with the lack of training programs that adequately address the complexities of equal parenting. This project result aims to fill that gap by developing a comprehensive train-the-trainers program. This program will equip youth workers with the necessary knowledge, techniques, and tools to effectively train young adults on equal parenting, fostering a positive mindset and empathy.

PR3- Equal Parenting Guidebook for using online resources

The Equal Parenting Project’s Online Resource Guidebook is a comprehensive resource that navigates you through our digital materials, developed under the Erasmus+ program, to advance equal parenting and dismantle gender stereotypes in family roles. We aim to empower youth workers, educators, and parents with essential skills for fostering equitable and supportive family environments.

Our belief in the practicality of equal parenting roles underpins our efforts to promote shared responsibilities and mutual respect among parents. This guide introduces you to our project’s core materials, including our website, best practice manuals, training courses, and educational content. Dive in with an open mind to explore and apply these insights, contributing to a narrative of equality, understanding, and collective well-being in parenting. Welcome to a journey of transformation towards equal parenting.

PR3- Youth Workers Training Methodology

In today’s rapidly changing society, the concept of equal parenting plays a crucial role in shaping more inclusive, understanding, and flexible communities. Recognizing this, our training program is specifically designed for youth workers and young adults, aiming to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to promote and practice equal parenting. Through a comprehensive and interactive methodology, we prepare participants to become advocates of change, influencing future generations and contributing to the dismantling of traditional gender roles within families.

Our program employs a dynamic and participant-centered approach, focusing on experiential learning, critical thinking, and practical application. We believe in empowering our participants by providing them with the tools they need to facilitate discussions, workshops, and initiatives on equal parenting in their communities.

Throughout the Training Methodology, you can find practical and useful exercises, a deeper insight in different modules, and a set of materials and tools (Training Toolkit), that will support the implementation process of such methodology.

Equal Parenting
E-learning course
This course aims to foster a more balanced, respectful, and nurturing family environment, empowering parents to model equality and teamwork for their children.
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