LIFE4YOU, podjetniško in poslovno svetovanje, Tjaša Ramšak s.p.
Slovenia Koroška Muta
LIFE4YOU is a new enterprise that has been established to bring new ways of thinking into schools, communities, and the people around us. Much like many other successful enterprises before it though LIFE4YOU’s staff members are highly experienced in Erasmus+ programs because they have been involved with projects from developing ideas all the way through implementation for several years now.
The company is specialized in:
- Financial and budgeting improvement in schools
- Project management and budget calculations
- Stress prevention skills and trainings
- Digital skills and E-learning development
- Meditation techniques
- Advanced ICT skills and knowledge
- Environment protecting workshops
- Digitalization of learning contents and microlearning
Tjaša’s commitment to building an inclusive society in her home country of Slovenia has motivated her involvement with EU projects. The work she does and other Slovenian volunteers will help educate children and teachers about different cultures across Europe. She is creating a more cohesive community among countries inside the European Union. The company is highly involved in schools within the country, providing additional knowledge and expertise in creating new teaching methods. Tjaša Ramšak, LIFE’s owner, has been volunteering at EU projects for quite some time now. Offering her experience in project management and budget calculations, mainly working with schools where she developed training sessions for teachers coping with stress – improving the overall well-being of children at school. This knowledge will be of critical importance when developing training in the educational sector, training platform development, design e-learning methodologies and implement it into the schools.
What are the activities and experiences of the organization in the areas relevant for this project? What are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project?
Tjaša Ramšak, the managing director of LIFE4YOU has been in EU projects for a while now and offers her expertise in project management. Tjaša developed training sessions for teachers coping with stress at school, improving the well-being of children at school and preventing conflicts through mediation. The company is highly involved within schools inside this country by providing additional knowledge to teachers about teaching methods that work best given their environment which can be challenging as they are not used to working under such conditions. Her expertise in developing training and educational content will help to ease the work of all partners implementing new innovative methods of learning. Also the expertise in the digital sector will provide additional upgrades to the project like ( microlearning), which will have the project make even a bigger impact across the EU. Gašper Pongrac is in his current position as a web design expert and as such very valuable in web page design and e-learning module creation in every project. In his previous professional life he was working as a consultant and translator in an international company. Part of his job was also customer service. He was coordinating the production flow for an international company. The skills of coordinating will provide a great value for project and task management, working towards the same goal. Previous experiences in different surveys and research in Slovenia (How unemployment affects criminal behaviour amongst youngsters), he gathered knowledge of different behavioral patterns within young people, helping him understand why certain situations lead young people into criminal activities. Gašper also worked as a pre-court mediator, where he led several mediation trials, resolving dispute situations before they needed the involvement of the justice department.
Problem-solving between companies or partners, and civil dispute resolutions, giving him the opportunity to study different situations in life which can happen to anyone in means of financial debt or breakdown and how to solve these situations in a human and legal way. These past experiences allow him to contribute value to every project in means of conflict solving between partners and workflow, preparation of surveys, digital design, and budget management in means of environment preservation.
Knowing the psychological methodologies between children or young people helps him to understand different behaviors and understand their needs. The gained knowledge in the educational sector has equipped him with tools to maintain balance in the teaching profession and cope with stress factors.