Education In Progress
Education In Progress is a non-profit organization that operates in the areas of social commitment, European project designing, training, and education. The main goal is to create international and intercultural opportunities, where different cultures can cooperate for enrichment at a personal and professional level.
Our members count on 10 years’ experience in the field of the ERASMUS program and we strongly support European mobility for giving them the European opportunity and for inspiring our job on European priorities. Our efforts are focused to allow our beneficiaries to practice foreign languages, empowering their employability, promoting equality, boosting the circulation of innovative practices and knowledge, making new interdisciplinary and multicultural experiences, and developing professional skills (including soft skills, problem-solving, the spirit of initiative and creativity).
Education InProgress is well rooted in its area at local, regional, and national broad-partnerships with public and private entities, as well as companies, so that it is possible to operate creating effective governance actions, like Educational Institutions (NGOs, Universities, Schools, Kindergarten) and social parts (Municipalities – especially the Dept. for Youth Policies, Chamber of Commerce, Trade Unions and other relevant stakeholders) with the aim to develop the European awareness and Active Citizenship for young people, and the Entrepreneurial and Sense of Initiative competence. Furthermore, Education In Progress has a strong partnership at the local level for accommodation facilities and conference services that will guarantee a high-quality mobility experience.
The staff of InProgress has a long experience in European design, which turns out to be of great value for other institutions and to give a substantial response to needs common and specific in a European dimension. InProgress hardly works on defying new innovative educational approaches.
Experience in project work
Karin Eleonora Callipo and Marco Ingenuo count on more than 10 years of experience in European project management.
Karin Eleonora Callipo is the main project manager supported by Claudia Esposito, project manager jr. Thanks to her strong teacher and youth worker attitudes, Karin Callipo will be in charge of designing the methodology for the selection of the best practices, while Claudia Esposito will manage the project management tasks.
Joana Palau is an expert in the field of parenting education as she, in addition to her work within InProgress, is a trainer at the University of parents. She gives courses and workshops on different topics such as positive family discipline, teens’ communication, family screening etc.
Marco Ingenuo is more expert in the aspect of the “Dissemination and Exploitation Results”, including Video-Editing and Graphic Designing, which will be used for the creation of the booklet.
Diletta Dollfuss is an expert in event organization, and she will be in charge of organizing the transnational meeting in Palma de Mallorca and making the perfect environment for productive work.
Thomas Savvakis is the legal representative of an informal group of young people in Germany, one of the projects that they have implemented was about stereotypes & discrimination and how we can deal with them using theater as an innovative tool and using effectively online media to promote tolerance. Parenting and family, in general, were the key topics of the project. In addition, Thomas Savvakis belongs to the target group of the project, so he will be one of the first testers of the best practices from PR1. Furthermore, because of his background in IT, he will be able to support the design of the booklet with creativity.
Education InProgress is a reliable partner for the ERASMUS+ Project Partnerships. Our expertise is related to several fields, but our main core is the assiduous analysis and development of innovative educational approaches.
What are the activities and experiences of the organization in the areas relevant to this project? What are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project? (4000 chars)
It recently created a training course “Mindfulness for teachers” aimed at educators to learn the fundamental basis for good performance in the classroom which improves the students’ cognitive skills but also social and emotional relationships. This TC is aimed at teachers but its technique can be linked to parenting: it teaches how to act with greater awareness, have better emotional management, to be able to solve conflicts, to manage stress and anxiety, to have respect and tolerance…All these topics are necessary within the parenting process for new parents to understand how they construct their roles.
Karin Eleonora Callipo, President of Education InProgress SPAIN, started working with European funds in 2007. She graduated in Business & Institutional Communication, she began to work in the framework of European projects in 2007 in the field of education, training, youth and sport. Karin Callipo, obtained the title of economics teacher at the International University of Valencia. She is used in using the CLIL method , gamification tools and in general non-formal learning methods. She is also an expert in the 8 Key Competences and the ECVET validation system, thanks to her long experience in the VET sector. Within the Traineeship area, her capability to match the students with the company is infallible, as well as she takes care of the monitoring and mentoring tasks. She is also a veteran Project Designer and Trainer and created workshops for parents. Spoken languages: Italian, Spanish, English, German.
Joana Palau, expert in the field of parenting education, Joana graduated in Pedagogy in the University of the Balearic Islands and is nowadays a trainer at the spanish University of Parents. She has 15 years experience in education pedagogy and is currently giving courses and workshops on different topics such as positive family discipline, teens communication, family screen etc.
Claudia Esposito, Education In Progress Member, graduated in Languages and Cultures for International Communication and Cooperation at University of Milan. Furthermore, she got a postgraduate Master in Project Designing at the best Italian University in the sector: the International University of Venice). She is also an expert in the 8 Key Competences and the DigiComp, thanks to her long experience in the YOUTH and VET sector. Spoken languages: Italian, Spanish, English, French.
Marco Ingenuo, Secretary at Education InProgress SPAIN, started working with European funds in 2010.
He has 10-years experience in the field of European mobilities programs, therefore he is youth worker and facilitates groups of young people with the aim to develop their 8 Key Competences using non-formal learning methods through the LearningByDoing approach. He is Graphic Designer and Communication Expert. He can work both with Graphic and Video-editing, useful for the dissemination purposes. Spoken languages: Italian, Spanish, English.
Diletta Dolfuss, member at Education InProgress SPAIN.
She is an Art teacher and expert in Event Organizer. Her support will be fundamental for preparing the Multiplier Events based on a common scheme of organizations. Spoken languages: Italian, Spanish and English.
Thomas Savvakis, International Project Manager at Education InProgress SPAIN, he graduated from a school specialized in computer science with awards from the municipality and the school itself. At the age of 18 and during his informatics engineering studies he got the opportunity through an international program of the German federal ministry to complete an internship.
He participated in a plethora of educational courses and in the 2nd half of 2021 he will be implementing a youth exchange about using online environment effectively and a training course about best practices in marketing communication of NGOs. Currently, he is a volunteer teacher through the German UNESCO in the Colegio Alemán de Sevilla. Spoken languages : Greek, English, German and learning Spanish.